Greatest spells from a part timer

part timer best performance

A batsman may be the biggest asset to a team but a bowler, especially a part-time bowler is arguably the most underrated yet effective part of the Cricketing circuit. Their overs are those particular overs against which batsmen tend to take chances and often end up mistiming the ball. Part-time bowlers not only help to fill the void of those …

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Highest 10th wicket partnership in test

10th wicket highest partnership

A test innings is something full of determination, presence of mind, and patience and it is one of the biggest stages to make a batsman succeed on the big stage. It not only defines the player’s true potential but also forces him to stretch him to his fullest to save the day for his team. When we speak about saving …

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Vijay Bharadwaj : Man of the series, bed-ridden for 1.5 years, eye operation gone wrong and much more


PC: google “Cricket as a passion is distinctly contagious” is a popular saying in the sports fraternity. Many Indians dream to be a cricketer one day with the rising fandom for the sports day by day. But the sport or should I say life is not fair to every youth dreaming to become someone in life. Today we are gonna …

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Slowest Innings In Test Cricket


It’s been merely a week since India clinched off a miracle series win against Australia and we are already finding it difficult for us to sink it in, such was the fight and resilience shown by the team. When we use the word resilience not many players coke to our mind in the modern day test cricket since the game …

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