Records missed by inches


Records are meant to be broken, said a theorist once. Cricketing records are being made each day with the advancement in the game and change in protocols. Players are getting adapted to the new generation of cricket and it’s getting better and better. But on the other hand, there have been many records that were missed by inches. So today …

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Greatest spells from a part timer


A batsman may be the biggest asset to a team but a bowler, especially a part-time bowler is arguably the most underrated yet effective part of the Cricketing circuit. Their overs are those particular overs against which batsmen tend to take chances and often end up mistiming the ball. Part-time bowlers not only help to fill the void of those …

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Cricketers Who Opened The Batting And Bowling In Same Match

cricketeres opening batting and bowling

Starting the match proceedings with either the bat or the ball is a tedious task. The strike bowlers are handed the ball in the first over to show their prowess whereas the opening batsman get a chance to face them. Rarely does it happen that a players who opens the batting for a team, also ends up bowling the first …

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