Winning with a last ball 6


Cricket is one of the most unpredictable sports. The result of the match can never be predicted until the last ball is bowled. Plenty of incidents can unfold even on the last delivery that could change the match in favour of either of the two opponent. While batters desire of hitting the last-ball six as a winning shot, it is …

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Cheapest Cars Owned By Famous Cricketers


As the saying goes, never forget your roots. There’s have been tons of talented cricketers who have earned a lot in modern day cricket but do you know where they started from. This has been one of the forgotten trends as people generally focus on the latest and modern cars and forget that even those cricketers once had humble beginnings. …

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5 Embarassing off the field moments


While cricket is deemed to be a gentleman’s game, some of the cricketers brought disgrace to the sport with their off-field behaviour. They were involved in a few disgusting antics leading to a lot of embarrassment both for themselves as well as their fans. Today in this article lets discuss five such instances where players were involved in off field …

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